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Every workout, run, stretch, and movement a fit quarantined teen ballerina does in a week

Hey everyone and welcome back to the blog! I a still keeping up with writing my posts, and today I am going to be bringing you guys a full week of workouts and stretching. I didn't include all of my ballet classes and rehearsals, because I was thinking I could make a separate post for that! Alright, lets get into it!

Monday- Full body Cardio and Abs

I like to start my Monday off with a sweaty full body HIIT workout and some abs. I like heather Robertson HIIT workouts, as well as Lily Sabri, and Sydney Cummings. On this day, I chose to do a 25 minute full body cardio burn workout from Sarahs day.

Then. I wanted to get a little bit more HIIT and full body, so I did this peloton 10 minute HIIT workout by Adrian Williams.

Then, I decided to do some abs, and I did this lily Sabri ab workout that I repeated all week. I think it is so important to work your core almost every day, and it is super beneficial particularly for dancers. I love Lily Sabri's ab workouts, they are some of the only ones that really get me sore and feeling the burn.

Then, I finished off with some foam rolling and light stretching before I showered for school. Before dance, I did my usual pre-class stretching routine, which is about 30-45 minutes, with splits, and overspills. I have another post coming soon with my stretching routine and how to get more flexible, so that will be up next week.

Tuesday- Running, arms, and abs

Happy tuesday! I have been getting into running more, and am trying to train for a 5k. On this day, I ran 2 miles, and it took me just over 20 minutes. I have always struggled with running, and just decided that I wasn't a runner, but quarantine has really inspired me to try harder. it's been really rewarding seeing myself run longer(for me!) distances when I never thought I could do it (it also doesn't feel like I am drowning and there is a herd of buffalo standing my chest every time that I run .1 of a mile).

Then, I got back home and did some core and arms. First, I did 10 minute upper body arms toning from peloton. It was short, and only used 3 pound weights, but my arms were pretty sore from a ton of pushups from the Sarahs day workout on Monday.

Then, I also did the same ab workout as yesterday, followed by another waist/obliques and lower abs workout to make sure I am hitting my entire core! I like to do lower abs and waist/obliques twice a week, so I typically do it on the days that I run.

As a cool down I did a 10 minute beginner yoga session on peloton. I typically do my flexibility stretching/training(oversplits, and work to increase flexibility and turnout) in the afternoon before dance, so after my morning workouts I just do a little big of hamstring stretching, foam rolling, and yoga to make sure my muscles don't get too tight before I stretch them later in the day.

Then, in the afternoon I did my flexibility stretching for about 45 minutes, as well as some core/breath work. I just like to practice engaging my core, and connecting to my pelvic floor as well as my breath. My stretching I s pretty much my normal stretching routine (see my post next week), which include lots of splits, as well as back stretching, turnout stretches, and even foot stretching.


On Wednesday I sometimes take a rest day, but today I was feeling up to some light cardio and (of course) some core work! I hopped on the peloton and did 30 minutes of just being while watching some tv.

Then, I followed it up with my regular daily ab workout this week, and did some light stretching.


And we're running again! Today we ran a little bit further than on Tuesday, and went almost 2.2 miles around my neighborhood. One thing you want to make sure to remember to do is both warm up and cool down! To warm up, I do some high knees and but kickers, lunges, and some dynamic stretched to wake myself up. Now that it's getting into winter it's pretty chilly and dark when we head out at around 7 in the morning. On this day I really wasn't feeling it, and almost convinced my brother that we would just run the next day. However, we ended up going, and I started blasting the music, ran a new route, and was super happy that I had gone.

Then when I got back home I did my usual ab workout, as well as another ab workout form train like a ballerina (which I LOVE!) that is for your whole core, but has lots of oblique and lower abs in it.

Then I finished off with 20 minutes of legs and glutei. I did a Katie Boren inspired workout. She is a dancer at ABT and a certified personal trainer. There were lots of small isolated movements, and slow squats and glutei bridges that left my legs shaking(if you have ever done a pilates-like workout you know the slow burn feeling). Then finally I did some foam rolling and my stretches to prevent soreness, as running is a different type of movement than I am used too. Then as usual before ballet I did my full stretching routine and overspills and core engagement to prepare for class.

Friday: Rest!

Sometimes I do workout on Friday, but because I do so much physical activity on top of ballet, I don't want to be overly tired and sore for a full day of rehearsals on Saturday. I still do my stretching, and have ballet class and some rehearsal, but don't do any extra workouts.

Saturday: Lot's of dance and rehearsals, and some pilates

On Saturdays, I pretty much have 4-5 hours of ballet class and company rehearsals. I don't always do additional exercise, but on this day I did some pilates and yup, you guessed it, ABS! I started with my usual Lily Sabri ab workout

Then, I did a full body pilates workout by Maria khoreva, a professional ballet dancer. She has some great workouts for dancers, as well as some variation classes if you are interested.m. I like to just do some chill full body toning workouts on Saturdays to work my muscles, and keep getting stronger.

Other than doing my stretches and over splits, that was the last of my workouts for the week! I always take a full rest day on Sunday, your body needs time to re-charge!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and if you like it make sure to give this post a thumbs up, and subscribe to my mailing list. Next week we have a stretching video, and I am waiting for one more leotard to arrive in the mail for a fall/winter clothing and dance wear haul/favorites post. Also, comment below If you want another one of these week of workouts, or if you want some fall baking content? Thanks so much for reading, and make sure to check out my other posts!


malia nicole

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